Can anyone find one mainstream/credible media outlet that has verified Planned Parenthood's alleged testimony? One? I can't.
The testimony was not before Congress, as was claimed. It was a Planned Parenthood lobbyist testifying regarding a proposed Florida bill; hence, she is neither a physician, nor a lawyer, but a paid, talking head who clearly wasn't qualified to speak to this issue.
Nevertheless, her statement is basically correct: the decision is left to the parents.
This is NOT infanticide. The question being asked is whether doctors should be mandated to intervene to stop the fetus's death. Hence the doctor isn't killing the baby; the baby will die without medical intervention. Infanticide is a positive action; refraining from medically intervening is a negative action.
If this is infanticide, then the parents of children who are born with life-threatening diseases/genetic conditions but allowed to die without medical intervention are committing infanticide also. Yet, wacko Christian fundies would call these people murderers too.